Sub Modules:

Endocrine Disorders: Diabetes,

Thyroid (thyroid info coming soon)

Musculoskeletal Illness: Arthritis, Osteoporosis, Fibromyalgia, and Assistive Devices

Neurological impairment: Dementia including Alzheimers` disease,

Parkinsons, etcMedication Compliance,

Handling, and Storage, and Communicating with Health Care Providers.

Cardiovascular and Respiratory

Diseases: Heart Attack, Stroke, TIAs, Chronic Bronchitis, Emphysema.

Wellness habits and age related illness.

Index/Content of This Module

In this module you will review the signs and symptoms of common chronic illness that may occur for some older adults. You will also learn about how to manage some of these illnesses. Included is information on ways to communicate with physicians and other health care providers to build a partnership with you and your family member. Finally, you will learn ways to store and manage medications and to encourage older adults to take their medications.Click on a topic below to go to that area of the page:

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